Back Flower Remedies


The Bach Flower system, also known as emotional homeopathy, is a series of preparations based on wild flowers and plants that are obtained homeopathically used to treat various emotional situations such as fears, loneliness, despair, stress, depression, obsessions, phobias.

Although the use of flowers for therapeutic purposes dates back to ancient China, it was not until 1930 when the British doctor Edward Bach unveiled a therapeutic system based on the use of 38 natural remedies that are prepared with fresh flowers that provide therapeutic floral was recognized in the west.

Dr. Bach was a great researcher, as well as a doctor and homeopath. His theory was that physical illnesses have an emotional origin, and that if emotional conflicts persist for a long time, the illness begins to appear in the body as a signal. However, by restoring emotional balance the disease is resolved on a physical level and that is why it is so important to work on any ailment or discomfort from the inside out.


Each flower has a unique energetic vibration with defined qualities that when coming into contact with a living being, be it a person, animal or plant, results in a resonance experience in which the floral vibration works on the vibration of the person who receives it, helping to achieve an energy restoration and balance.

Unlike conventional medical treatments, this is a treatment of an energetic input and for it to work we must be constant and disciplined, that is why it is a treatment in which the effect is given by the frequency and consistency of the intakes and not by the amount of the consumed remedy.


  •  They restore physical, mental and emotional balance gently and safely.

  • They transform negative attitudes into positive ones. They provide a deeper vision of oneself.

  • They accompany any therapy process and can even act in themselves as a therapeutic process.

  • They can be taken short or long term, as they do not cause addiction or dependence.

  • They can be combined with homeopathic, allopathic or any type of medicines.

  • They do not cause side effects.

  • They can be used by anyone of any age; even pregnant women and newborns.

  • They are suitable for animals and plants.


By providing a safe and compassionate space to have a fluid and natural conversation where you discover and recognize your emotions, thoughts, and attitude towards everyday situations.

Through certain questions together we will explore and recognize the emotions and situations that you would like to dissolve within in order to resolve in your life and bring healing and growth.

Then a personalized blend will be created with certain floral essences that correspond to the emotions that we have identified and the reason for the selection, to later begin a process of knowledge that will assist you to feel better and regain balance after a certain period of time.


  • 60 minute online session

  • 1 personalized Bach Flower blend (lasts 3-4 weeks, will be mailed)

    Reciprocity: $85