Our Mission
To offer a safe environment to share and facilitate the opportunity to initiate the journey to self knowledge. We will achieve our mission by sharing sacred plant medicine circles to heal, learn, and grow together in the path to self healing. We aim to walk this journey with ancestral wisdom, energy medicine, healing tools, in order to start writing our own unique story. We believe that practicing our service with love, empathy, compassion, joy, respect, and creativity is the foundation of the ethical principles that guide us.

Our Belief
Every person is a part of a greater intention on this planet. What a better time to discover it than now.
For centuries, the shamans of the Andes have guarded their knowledge and now they are open to share it with the rest of the world. They have understood what Western culture has ignored: That true healing is the awakening to a vision of the occult in oneself.
Their closely guarded healing practices are sacred technologies that transform the body, mind, and soul. We will provide you with the tools, wisdom, and knowledge to face the big question: patiently expect the unexpected. Through the connection of ancient wisdom applied to the modern world, you can work in 3 channels: healing with Plant medicine, initiation teachings, and energy medicine. Medicine Wheel combines ancient wisdom teachings to share with you and initiate the path to release what no longer serves you and discover your true self.